We do powder coating.
The powder coating process can be described as follows:
A 100,000 volt static charge is infused into finely ground polyurethane plastic powder with light air pressure blown out the end of a powder coat gun. The clean bare metal to be powder coated is hung by a metal hook on a grounded hanger.
The charged powder sticks to the grounded bare metal.
When the part is coated in powder, it is put in an oven to melt the powder into the metal. After the powder flows out and cures and cools, it is ready for use. There is no cure time like wet paint. Once cool, it is ready to use.
We need clean bare metal parts.
We have no chemical striping capabilities. I do not want to work with those nasty chemicals and all of the regulations that go with them.
All items need to be cleaned to the bare metal.
We recommend going to Xpress Metal Cleaning for sand blasting and or chemical stripping .
They are located at 3402 East Wier Ave, Phoenix 85040.
Call them at 602-628-7306 or visit them at:
East Valley Powder Coat
541 E. Juanita Ave, Suite #1
Mesa, AZ 85204